Saturday, May 19, 2007

Rebel snow speeder - Ultimate Collector Series #10129

Here we have a Lego Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series snowspeeder. Now what could be better than a Star Wars Rebel snowspeeder? Not much, that's for sure. Haha, just kidding, but this is a good Lego set.

This Lego set has over 1,400 pieces, and unlike many of the other Star Wars Ultimate Collector Series set, which have a tendency to come apart if you pick them up or hold them, is it fairly stable after it is built. You can actually take it off of it's stand and hold it with one hand without having to worry about it falling to pieces.

The only other Star Wars UCS set that I can say this about is the Y-Wing figher, model number 10134 and the Millenium Falcon, model number 10179

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